دین اور تہذیب کا تعلق، تحقیقی مطالعہ


  • ابوبکر بن عبدالعزیز ریسرچ اسکالر،شعبہ علومِ اسلامی،عبدالحق کیمپس،وفاقی اردویونیورسٹی کراچی


Religion, History, Civilization, Deen, Culture


It is beyond doubt that religion and human history have ever had intimate relation and according to Islamic teachings Islam was the only religion of this universe and so is forever. The whole planets revolve on the basis of its principles. The universe can not deviate from the principles of Islam just for a while. The common perception of religion (MAZHAB) encompasses some beliefs, ethics and some code of worship but on the contrary Quran uses a comprehensive term of "DIIN" instead of "MAZHAB" (religion).According to this concept Islam is a complete, universal and comprehensive code of life leading to a balanced way of living and no aspect of life escapes from it.
On the other hand it is also a fact that the anthropologists have not only sought the phases of human history but also found the traces of ancient civilizations even today people along with their national identity exhibit their cultural affiliation. It is a glaring example that there are by far differences between the life style of people living in desert and snow laden regions, the differences obviously appear in term of norms, values, customs and social habits so a key question arises here that what are the relation and scope between religion and civilizations. This article attempts to find out the answer in this regard.






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