پاکستان میں زرعی اصلاحات کا نفاذاور اسلامی تعلیمات- ایک جائزہ


  • سعدیہ گلزار ڈاکٹر، لیکچرار شعبہ علوم اسلامیہ،لاہور کالج برائے خواتین یو نیورسٹی،لاہور
  • عطیہ نذیر پرنسپل گورنمنٹ کالج برائے خواتین،کوٹ مومن


Basically, land reforms are essential for distribution of land. These reforms can entail several economic and social benefits. Land reforms are always formulated to devise a strategy for better production, they alleviate poverty and increase agricultural development. In Pakistan, feudal system causes several problems such as functional inequality, poverty and food insecurity which in turn become barriers in economic development. These problems lead to a debate on land tenure system and land reforms. Pakistan have seen three major land reforms in its history: first during the martial law of Ayub Khan in 1959 and two other in the era of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1970s. However, these reforms have not been implemented due to multiple reasons. This research paper reviews the land reforms in Pakistan and Islamic teachings on the subject.






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