علامہ اقبال اور خطبۂ الٰہ آباد۔ تجزیاتی مطالعہ


  • خلیل احمد لودھی اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر، شعبہ سیاسیات۔ اردو یونیورسٹی، عبدالحق کیمپس، کراچی


With reference to Pakistan Movement Allama Dr. Iqbal's Allahbad address has a special significance. In this address Dr. presented the concept of a Muslim state' that's why he is called thinker of Pakistan. But reality is just the reverse Allama has not presented the concept of an independent state, but he presented the idea of an auto nomous Muslim State with in British rule or as a Part of Indian Federation. But later on when political circumstances were changed and Hindu leader's prejudice behaviour became quite clear and Hindu Muslim riots became daily routine than thinking on Dr. Iqbal was also changed, which he expressed in his letters and particularly in those letters he wrote to Qa'id-i-A'zam. He emphasized an independent Muslim States are unavoidable.






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